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SoCal Challengers Car Club in the Year 2013

SoCal Challengers Car Club in the Year 2013

By SoCal Challengers

The year 2013 looks to be another great year for SoCal Challengers car club.  Our…

SoCal Challengers Members Attended the 13 Annual Cruisin' for a Cure Show

SoCal Challengers Members Attended the 13 Annual Cruisin' for a Cure Show

By SoCal Challengers

On Saturday, September 22, 2023 SoCal Challengers went to the 13th annual Crusin for a…

SoCal Challengers Member Karl Schello runs 201.7 MPH!

SoCal Challengers Member Karl Schello runs 201.7 MPH!

By SoCal Challengers

On Saturday, September 29, 2012, SoCal Challengers member Karl Schello set a Modern Mopar record…

SoCal Challengers Attends the 5th Annual Wounded Warrior Car Show

SoCal Challengers Attends the 5th Annual Wounded Warrior Car Show

By SoCal Challengers

On Sunday, August 12, 2012 SoCal Challengers attended another great charity event at WyoTech's 5th Annual…

SoCal Challengers Attends the San Dimas Sheriff's Booster Club Annual Car Show

SoCal Challengers Attends the San Dimas Sheriff's Booster Club Annual Car Show

By SoCal Challengers

What a great time SoCal Challengers had at the San Dimas Sheriff's Booster Club Annual…

SoCal Challengers had a Busy Weekend - Racing, Car Show and Cruise

SoCal Challengers had a Busy Weekend - Racing, Car Show and Cruise

By SoCal Challengers

Wow, what a weekend, July 13th through the 15th, SoCal Challengers had. Drag racing at…

SoCal Challengers go to Auto Club Famoso Raceway for Track Day!

SoCal Challengers go to Auto Club Famoso Raceway for Track Day!

By SoCal Challengers

Friday, June 29, 2023 was designated "Track Day" for the SoCal Challengers car club.  Members…

SoCal Challengers Member David McIntosh runs 165.3 MPH!

SoCal Challengers Member David McIntosh runs 165.3 MPH!

By SoCal Challengers

On Sunday, June 3rd SoCal Challengers member David McIntosh ran a top speed of 165.3…

SoCal Challengers Participate in NASCAR Track Laps for Charity Day at the Auto Club Speedway

SoCal Challengers Participate in NASCAR Track Laps for Charity Day at the Auto Club Speedway

By SoCal Challengers

On Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012 SoCal Challengers (SCC) went to Southern California's Auto Club Speedway…

SoCal Challengers gets Best Club Participation at Villa Park High Car Show

SoCal Challengers gets Best Club Participation at Villa Park High Car Show

By SoCal Challengers

Our 4th year helping the students of Villa Park High! On Saturday, May 12th, 2012…


By SoCal Challengers

Frontpage Slideshow | Copyright © 2006-2012 JoomlaWorks Ltd.

SoCal Challengers Car Club in the Year 2013

blk joka d1b9fThe year 2013 looks to be another great year for SoCal Challengers car club.  Our first get together for the year has been scheduled for Sunday, January 13, 2013, 10:00am - 12:00am.  Please see SoCal Challengers Breakfast Meeting on our event calender for full details.  SoCal Challengers members please log in to this web site and let us know if you plan to attend by checking the box next to "Attend", on the event page.  This is a great opportunity for people that are thinking of joining the club to meet us and hang out. Stop by and grab a bite to eat if you can make it.  For more information on membership please see Join the Club.

If you have an event you would like to see put on the club's calender please post it in the forum or use the Contact Us link in the menu on the left.

SoCal Challengers elections are coming up in February.  The date has not been announced, but we will let you know as soon as possible so that you can make plans to attend and vote.  The position of President, Vice-President and Secretary are open, so think of who you would like to nominate for those positions.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Spring Fest 2012As this year comes to a close, we'd like to take a moment to thank you for your continued support of SoCal Challengers car club. On behalf of the officers of SoCal Challengers, we wish all members of our SoCal Challengers family a safe and joyous holiday season, and a prosperous New Year.  To see our Facebook year-in-review page please see: 2012 Year in Review.

SoCal Challengers Members Attended the 13 Annual Cruisin' for a Cure Show

crusin for a cureOn Saturday, September 22, 2023 SoCal Challengers went to the 13th annual Crusin for a Cure car show.  Our members had a great time socializing, and at the same time supporting a good cause - CITY of HOPE's Prostate Cancer Program.  SoCal Challengers members present at the show were Brian, Jim, Phil, Chris, Mellow, James and David.

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