SCC Takes 2 Trophies at 2nd Annual B&M/Hurst Show!
Chatsworth- Sweltering heat didn’t stop hundreds of car enthusiasts from showing up in Chatsworth for the 2nd annual B&M/Hurst Car Show. It certainly didn’t stop SCC either. The group made a definite impression by showing up with fourteen cars between members and guests. SoCal Challengers came away with two awards at the event. Richard and his “ChallengeHer” dragster won the ”Best seen on the Strip” Trophy and SoCal Challengers as a group won the “Best Club Participation” Trophy.
It was a morning of meeting places - there were three before arriving at the show. It was fun watching the line of cars from place to place get bigger and bigger. By the time we made it to the last meeting place, we had fourteen cars to arrive at the show with. That was pretty damn impressive. Thank you for everyone’s help in getting from place to place and finally to the show itself. Once in the show, we had to jockey our cars around quite a bit to park. The Hurst volunteers did an excellent job getting us lined up. We looked sharp once all of our cars were shined up and our banners were in place. We were here! Thank you to Dan and James for the banners, easy-up, and chairs. I think we would have had a collective melting or a mass spontaneous combustion without the shade. It also gave us a central meeting place to hang out and be together.
There were a wide variety of cars to see from older original classics, to full-on hot rods, to complete custom street and race cars. The Hurst Challengers were the centerpiece of the show and were absolutely stunning. There were two original Challengers there; a beautiful Hemi-Orange 1971 that a gentleman had brought and a yellow 1970 that was at the Hotchkis booth. Jay Leno stopped by the show and brought his “Tank” as he called it. He came by our group and took a few pics with us. He also let Chuck’s son Charlie sit in his “Tank” and be photographed and gave his own raffle tickets to Chris’s kids. Jay is a super nice and down to earth guy with a true love for cars. We’ll get him in our group sooner or later, it’s just a matter of time. Hear that Jay?
There were two highlights of the day for me. First was when I was sitting under the easy-up during the show as a gentleman walked by and said to me, ”Nobody can say you guys didn’t come out in force!” That was great to hear that we had made that kind of impression on the folks at the show. Second, was when we were announced as the winners of the “Best Club Participation” Trophy. To me it was a representation of all the work so many of the members had done to this point. It was fitting that we received a group trophy. Dave, my fellow Co-President, was a class act as he went around and congratulated all the members that were there. It was their award. We all took individual pictures with the trophy and our car. Thank you all for participating. Chris drove all the way out from San Jacinto. Chuck came up from San Diego. That’s participation. I’d also like to thank our guests, Dean and Lindsay, Art, and Mike and Kristin. It’s a rule of Dave and I that if you’re one of our members or our guest you will be taken care of. Hopefully we took appropriate care of you and you’ll join us again. And finally, thank you to B&M/ Hurst for inviting us and putting on a first-class event