Three years in a row for SoCal Challengers at the Villa Park High School Car Show!
Villa Park- On May 7th, 2011, Villa Park High School held their 8th annual car show to benefit the Villa Park High School Marching Band. Attendees were treated to a pancake breakfast, DJ and live bands, and numerous raffles. Proceeds all went to the Marching Band. Nine SoCal Challengers Members and two guests attended this show for the third year in a row and took home the Group Participation Trophy for their efforts.
Of course this show means something special as it’s my alma mater. This time one of my childhood friends, Dave and his son Jake, were joining me to ride in with us in my car. I hadn’t seen Dave in several years. I hadn’t seen Jake since he was about three. He is fifteen years old now and he absolutely loves Challengers! I offered to have him ride in with me and I’m glad he and his father took me up on it. Klaus had also brought and old Chrysler Long Ram 300 to the show to bring in as well. Our surprise guest of the day was Jim D. (aka the Diceman) who brought his brand spanking new Toxic Orange 392 to the show. Jim’s always smilin’ but he was smilin’ extra extra that day! His car looks fantastic. It was great to have two 392’s at the show, the other being Chris and Mellows’ Black 392. Nick and Loni also joined us in their Charger so we had a nice group at the Coffee Grove to roll in with.
We received our usual response as we pulled up to the gate. One of the kids yelled, ”Yes!” as I pulled up to the driveway. The kids love the Challengers and especially a group of them showing up all at once. After getting our pictures taken in front of the Marching Band trailer, we went over a few mean and nasty speed bumps and parked in our spots. We really needed Fred, as the staff parked us nice and crooked. No biggie though, but it just shows you how much we appreciate the magic that Fred can do parking all of us.
After we shined up our rides it was off to the pancake breakfast. I had a great time with Dave and Jake at our table just hanging out and talking stories from High School. I’ve been at this show three years in a row and had only run into two alumni. It was great catching up. After breakfast we hung out, walked around and looked at what was there and had a relaxed time.
James killed it in the raffle AGAIN. James and my wife are the raffle kings. I just went in the 50/50 raffle along with Jim but we both rolled snake eyes. The kids won big though as a lot of money came in from the raffle items.
In the end, we took home the Group Participation Trophy, and I was surprised to have won for the best Late Model Muscle Car. It was a great day for the kids and their program.
I’d like to thank everyone who cam and donated their time and money for the kids this day. When we were awarded the Group Participation Trophy, we were announced as the Car Club that can be counted on to show up year after year and support their program. That was huge to me to hear that. It makes all the work we’ve all done to have a great reputation worth it when we were announced that way. Thank you for all your hard work and participation!!!!