SoCal Challengers Schedule of Events




Wings Wheels Rotors & Expo!

When:  Sunday, October 26, 2014, 07:30am - 04:00pm

Thank-you James T. Schaap for recommending this car show, it looks really fun. This event will be at the Los Alamitos Air Force base and will have Military aircraft, civilian aircraft, live music, and children's activities.

Please go to : to register. If you want to pay the day of the show it will cost you $55!

You must login to confirm your attendance.

Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base
4745 Yorktown Avenue
Los Alamitos
Location Telephone:  562-795-2000

Click on the map for more information on the location and directions.

Latitude:  33.79482269      Longitude:  -118.04998779


Contact : Jason Ford
Event Category:  Car Shows


 SoCal Challengers

